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Suicide Machines, The - Confused

Текст песни Suicide Machines, The - Confused, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

skyscraper so call said
they`re choking out the sun
and we`re all so paranoid of everyone
there`s no trust, no love
no future for mankind
if this life`s about getting ahead
i`ll just stay behind
poisoned clouds raining down from above
don`t know what we`re thinking
in a life there`s no love
let`s start a war for financial stability
this world has become our graveyard
and still we can`t see
politicians reigning down from above
don`t know what we`re thinkin
in a life there`s no love
let`s start a war for financial stability
this world has become our graveyard
and still we can`t see
what do we learn?to kill better
what do we learn? to kill better
what do we learn? to kill better
what do we learn? 1-2-3 WAR!
learn from history to kill better
(times 3)
disconnected since birth
success is weighed by your worth
what is economics?
its the power and who has got it
words i don`t understand
progress means to rape the land
really does history teach?
circles, cycles, leach
poisoned clouds raining down from above
don`t know what we`re thinking
in a life there`s no love
let`s start a war for financial stability
this world has become our graveyard
and still we can`t see
politicians reigning down from above
don`t know what we`re thinkin
in a life there`s no love
let`s start a war for financial stability
this world has become our graveyard
and still we can`t see
what do we learn?to kill better
what do we learn? to kill better
what do we learn? to kill better
what do we learn? 1-2-3 WAR!
learn from history to kill better
(times 3)

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 333 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий