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Trisha Yearwood - Bring Me All Your Lovin'

Текст песни Trisha Yearwood - Bring Me All Your Lovin', без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

(Doyle Primm/Allison Moorer/Kenny Greenberg)

Please don`t bring me flowers
Tied up in a pretty bow
I`d trade a thousand roses
For just one hand to hold
And I don`t want no candy
Sugar hurts my teeth
All I want is you tonight
That`d be really sweet

There`s nothin` at the five and dime that I really need
Your kiss is the only gift that means a thing to me
Bring me all your lovin`
That`s somethin` you ain`t tried
Bring me all your lovin`
And I`ll be satisfied

I don`t want a poem
Written fancy on a card
I`d rather have I love you
Scribbled on my heart
And I won`t wear a new dress
From a downtown store
Wrap me up in your arms
And baby I`ll be yours

There`s nothin` at the five and dime that I really need
Your kiss is the only gift that means a thing to me
Bring me all your lovin`
Somethin` you ain`t tried
Bring me all your lovin`
And I`ll be satisfied

There`s nothin` at the five and dime that I really need
Your kiss is the only gift that means a thing to me
Yeah, bring me all your lovin`
Somethin` you can`t buy
Bring me all your lovin`
And I`ll give you all of mine

Bring me all your lovin`
Throw your presents in the creek
Bring me all your lovin`
And I`ll be tickled pink

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 352 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий