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Tina Turner - Back Where You Started

Текст песни Tina Turner - Back Where You Started, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

[Written by - Bryan Adams & Jim Vallance]

Baby tell me what you`re trying to prove
Playing games with my heart
Hey now listen, I ain`t gonna take one more night
You`re the one who broke the rules
And I`m the one who played the fool
Now you`re trying to tell me it`s alright
You should know better than to hurt a friend
You`ll never get another chance again

You`ll be back where you started 
I know you won`t admit it but you`re broken-hearted
Back where you started 
You think it`s gonna be easy but it just gets harder, harder

You had a way with words
One look and I was under your spell
I didn`t know should I stay or should I run
You can`t deny you told me lies
Love`em and leave`em baby, that`s your style
I`m not afraid to take life as it comes
You play with fire I guess you`ll never learn
You mess with me babe, you `re gonna get burned

You`ll be back where you started 
Then you`ll know how it feels when you`ve been discarded
Back where you started 
You think you got it made but it won`t get you far, no it won`t get you far

Who`s gonna help ya, throw you a lifetime
I`ll tell you one thing, you`ve really done it this time
You took your one chance and let it slip away
You`re not the kind who`ll ever settle down
The rumour`s getting out all over town
You`ll be...


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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 377 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий