Русские : А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ю Я

Зарубежные : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Tears for Beers - Black is the Color

Текст песни Tears for Beers - Black is the Color, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

Black is the color of my true love`s hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She`s the sweetest face and the gentlest hands.
I love the ground wheron she stands

I love my love and well she knows
I love the ground whereon she goes.
But some times I whish the day will come
That she and I will be as one.

Black is the color of my true love`s hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She`s the sweetest face and the gentlest hands.
I love the ground wheron she stands

I walk to the Clyde for to mourn and weep
But satisfied I never can sleep
I`ll write her a letter, just a few short lines
And suffer death ten thousand times

Black is the color of my true love`s hair
Her lips are like some roses fair
She`s the sweetest face and the gentlest hands.
I love the ground wheron she stands

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Похожие тексты песен:
  • Nina Simone - Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair
  • Bette Midler - Color Of Roses
  • All-4-One - Colors Of Love
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  • Extreme - Color Me Blind

  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 296 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий