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Necromicon - Peccata Mundi

Текст песни Necromicon - Peccata Mundi, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

The truth of mortal sin
Damnation lurk in every soul...
...Accused for something ever excisting
In dreams long lost forgotten
Mind destruction, cattle bleeding!
Breeze of eternal destruction

Mind destruction, cattle bleeding!
Breeze of eternal destruction

Peccata Mundi
Sinister reannounce that we are part of this sin
Peccata Mundi
Reign supreme our wicked mind (if wicked ever they are?)

My Greed my Pride never to escape
My Envy my Anger true thought are they
I revel in lusture, Indolent I am
For I`m a living man

The truth of mortal sin
Damnation lurk in every soul...
`Vile torturer who brought these temptations`

...Accused for something ever excisting
In dreams long lost forgotten
Mind destruction, cattle bleeding!
Breeze of eternal destruction

I stride towards the eternal flow
Mind heart and body, pounding with lust
Hark, hear all the whispers of anguish
Soon to adhere to that river of strength

Peccata Mundi
Sinister reannounce that we are part of this sin
Peccata Mundi
Reign supreme our wicked mind (if wicked ever they are?)

I stride towards the eternal flow
Mind heart and body, pounding with lust
Hark, hear all the whispers of anguish
Soon to adhere to that river of strength

My Greed my Pride never to escape
My Envy my Anger true thought are they
I revel in lusture, Indolent I am
For I`m a living man

The truth of mortal sin
Damnation lurk in every soul...
`Vile torturer who brought these temptations`

...Accused for something ever excisting
In dreams long lost forgotten
Mind destruction, cattle bleeding!
Breeze of eternal destruction

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 247 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий