Русские : А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ю Я

Зарубежные : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Nazz - Hang On Paul

Текст песни Nazz - Hang On Paul, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

Someone`s gonna tell you and it might be me
There`s something on your face that even you can`t see
It isn`t your eyes and it isn`t your nose
You don`t have to sniff to tell you that it ain`t no rose
It`s something in your arrogant line
Your brain is tired of biding its time
You`re gonna blow up here
   so Paul you got to make up your mind

You drag into the studio and don`t care why
You got a life as big as city hall and that`s no lie
The aging owner treats you to a couple of beers
Feeding you cliches about the thing between your ears
You wonder if its all he can say
You`ll find a better way to say it someday
But Paul you`re too busy stripping gears,
   now Paul your life is dripping away

Hang in, hang out, hang on, hang on Paul
You`re having a ball
It`s your way of life and not mine
It`s so strangely easy to see
But you`re laughing so hard you could die

I`m not about to tell you what you should be doing
I tend to disappear when I smell trouble brewing
I understand exactly what`s the matter with you
We`re stranded here together in this paddleless canoe
I`ll take my chances in the water for now
It`s what my mother would have wanted anyhow
The life you`re living is over
   but Paul, you`re no contented cow

They say being in show biz is a thrill
It makes your life a breeze, [...]
But you better do something Paul before it kills you, yeah
Paul, you`ve got to make up your mind

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 303 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий