Русские : А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ю Я

Зарубежные : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Nazareth - 1692(Glen Coe Massacre)

Текст песни Nazareth - 1692(Glen Coe Massacre), без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

(copyright Nazareth, Tiflis Tunes,inc.-ascap)

Mist upon the hill can remember murder,
Mist upon the hill that once flowed with blood,
Helped to cover up an approaching army,
Hid the killing lust in the eyes of men.

Sitting by the fire was a sentry sleeping,
Rolled up in their beds were children that play,
Unsuspecting what was to fall upon them,
None of them would see the dawn next day.

Bloody were the blades that fell on children,
Hate the blinding light tried to kill a name,
The mountains only know all the souls that died there,
Glen Coe from that day can recall the shame.

The quiet of the night never gave them warning,
The silence of the hills wouldn`t let them know,
They`d never rise again on a mist filled morning,
Never see the sunrise above Glen Coe.

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 308 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий