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Julie Caitlin Brown - Baby listen to me

Текст песни Julie Caitlin Brown - Baby listen to me, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

He said `Baby listen to me,
I got somethin` to say`
Said it on a Sunday
Callin` from far away

He said `There`s somethin` that I gotta do,
And none of it includes you,
So Baby listen to me,
I got something to say.`

He said `l met her on a Tuesday not so long ago
I didn`t think much of it then, but now I`m needin` to know,
There`s somewhere that we`ve got to meet
Down near Forty-second street,
Oh Baby listen to me, I gotta go.`

He said `Baby listen to me.`
As I began to cry,
`We`re just not made of the same stuff,
You and I.
But I think I felt it startin` to click
The moment I laid eyes on that chick
Now Baby listen to me
This will be good bye.`

I wanna think of somethin` clever to say
You know I hate it when words fail me this way
I wanted to sound so polite
But it all just came out trite
I said ``Baby listen to me, can`t you please just stay?`

He said `Baby listen to me, you`ll find somebody new.
Somebody who`ll be so much better for you
You know we never really got along
Always fightin` bout what`s right and what`s wrong
So Baby listen to me, I will always love you,
Baby listen to me, 1 will always love you.`
He said, `Baby listen to me, I, I will always love you`

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 538 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий