Русские : А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ю Я

Зарубежные : 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Joey Tempest - Always A Friend Of Mine

Текст песни Joey Tempest - Always A Friend Of Mine, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

I see a boy down on the corner he has nothing to his name 
I see the dreams that we can follow and die for just the same 
and I see someone I believe in through hard and troubled times 
if I ever loose my way yeah you`re always a friend of mine 

then you step out in the big world take the chances that you can 
I see the sweat I see the tears yes, brotherhood of man 
and I see someone I believe in through hard and troubled times 
if I ever loose my way yeah you`re always a friend of mine 

then you learned about your people (then you learned about your people) 
some are weak and some are strong 
some might stand up for you do anything for you 
others might do you wrong 

and I have someone I believe in through hard and troubled times 
if I ever loose my way yeah you`re always a friend of mine 
yes you are 

how I used to long for happiness whatever it would take 
how I`d die for that old true love make no mistake 
how I used to think all that glittered was gold and all of that was mine 
now all I have is this moment hoping it`s never gonna pass me by 
pass me by 

now did you find as you went searching all that you were looking for 
and has time began to heal you well I got I got more than I bargained for 
and I see someone I believe in through hard and troubled times 
if I ever loose my way yeah your always a friend of mine 
oh yes you are 
if I ever loose my way your always a friend of mine 
friend of mine

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 374 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий