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Kelly Clarkson - Thankful

Текст песни Kelly Clarkson - Thankful, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

You know my soul
You know everything about me there is to know
You know my heart
How to make me stop and how to make me go

You should know I love everything about you
Don`t you know

That I`m thankful 
For the blessing and the lessons 
That I`ve learned with you by my side
That I`m thankful (so thankful) 
For the love that you keep bringin in my life
In my life

You know my thoughts
Before I open up my mouth and try to speak
You know my dreams
You must be listening when I`m talking in my sleep

I hope you know I love having you around me 
Don`t you know

That I`m thankful 
For the blessing and the lessons 
That I`ve learned with you by my side
That I`m thankful (so thankful) 
For the love that you keep bringin in my life
In my life

Don`t you know
That I am thankful
For the moments
When I`m down you know just how to make me smile
Thankful for all the joy you`re bringing to my life
In my life

All the lessons that, that I`ve learned
For the trouble I`ve known
For the heartache and pain thrown in my way
I didn`t think I could go on

But you made me feel so wrong
With you I am never alone

So thankful

So I`m thankful 
For the blessing and the lessons 
That I`ve learned with you by my side
That I`m thankful 
For the love that you keep bringin in my life
In my life

And I`m thankful
For the moments
When I`m down you know just how to make me smile
Thankful for all the joy you`re bringing to my life
In my life

So thankful
So thankful

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 395 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий