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Diamond Rio - Hearts Against The Wind

Текст песни Diamond Rio - Hearts Against The Wind, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

Hearts that love where no love grows
Are gifts with no return
They know the coldest wind that blows
Where once a fire burned


So blow...
Hearts against the wind
They just blow...
Hearts that ever break
They just won`t mend
Without breaking again

Sow ye not the seeds of doubt
That fade and fall in time
For in the end your love will out
And every star outshine


So blow...
Hearts against the wind
They just blow...
Hearts that ever break
They just won`t mend
Without breaking again


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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 364 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий