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Bette Midler - Birds

Текст песни Bette Midler - Birds, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

`Oh, that`s so heavy. 
We`re goanna do a, a Neil Young song. 
Neil is so heavy. 
Neil is so mellow and laid back. 
I`m trying my best to be mellow and laid back. 
You know, I have even gone organic. 
Last week I ate an Earth Shoe.
Oh, did I sing the ballad yet? 
Was it wonderful? Oh, did I sing it? 
I didn`t sing it, did I. Oh, so sorry.`

Lover, there will be another one
to hover over you beneath the sun.
Tomorrow, see the things that never come

And you see me fly away without you.
My shadow on the things you know.
My feathers fall all around you,
they show you the way to go.
It`s over, baby. I say, it`s over, baby.

Nestle in your wings my little one.
The special morning brings another sun.
Tomorrow, see the things that do not come

And you see me fly away without you.
My shadow falling on the things you know.
My feathers, they fall all around you,
they show you the way to go.
Hey, baby. It`s over, baby. It`s over, baby.

I got to fly away. I got to fly away.
Gonna close my eyes and I will fly away.
You believe it now, fly away. I`m goin` to the sun, to fly away.
I`m gonna close my eyes and I will fly away.
Oh, one more time. Fly. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, fly away.
Close my eyes and I will fly away.

It`s over, baby. It`s over, baby.
My lover, there will be another one
to hover over you beneath the sun.
Tomorrow, see the things that do not come
She will show you the way to go.

It`s over. Thank god, it`s over.
I`m gonna close my eyes and I will fly away.

`Fly away. I got to fly away. Oh, the hard core fans.`

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 314 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий