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Bellamy Brothers - On a Summer Night

Текст песни Bellamy Brothers - On a Summer Night, без регистраций и смс. Авторские права на слова песни принадлежат авторам и выложены только для ознакомления.

There`s another kind of living
And we`re getting what we`re giving
Can`t you see there`s lovin` in the air.
Strangers in paradise
Tenderness in your eyes
Angels of darkness take care.

Get me rockin`, get me rearin`
Let me feel that special feeling
Of loving makes our hearts beat strong
Baby touch my soul and listen
To that ever lasting song.

Then let your feelings find a way
It`s okay, On a summer night
It`s a dawning of forgotten dreams
And it seems everything is right, for romance.

You can blame it on the stars above
When it`s love on a summer night
There`s a fire burning deep inside
We`ll let it happen tonight.

Baby, we can really make it
We can losse it, find it, take it
Can`t you see there`s magic all around?
It`s only you and me
We can fly high and free
Baby, I won`t let you down.

Tell me all the dreams you`re missing
We will find them while we`re kissing
And we`ll make those fairy tales come true
So come closer baby blue eyes
I`ve got lots of love for you.

Then let your feelings find a way
It`s okay, on a summer night
It`s a dawning of forgotten dreams
And it seems everything is right, for romance.

You can blame it on the stars above
When it`s love on a summer night
There`s a fire burning deep inside
We`ll let it happen tonight.

Then let your feelings find a way
It`s okay, On a summer night
It`s a dawning of forgotten dreams
And it seems everything is right, for romance.

You can blame it on the stars above
When it`s love on a summer night
There`s a fire burning deep inside
We`ll let it happen tonight.

On a summer night.
On a summer night.
On a summer night...

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  • автор: denis | 7 января 2009 | Просмотров: 382 | Назад На главную Добавить комментарий